Sunday, February 1, 2009

Proof in the Pudding

Exactly one month from my promise to not make any exceptions on my diet and to increase my cardio between 4-5 days to 7 days a week and the results are in. Does cheating matter? Does it really stoke the metabolism and actually facilitate fat loss? Well, I intuitively knew it didn't much like I knew that spending a whole bunch of money once or twice a week didn't do much good for your budget. But now the facts are in.

On January 1st I weighed 165.5 and today on February 1st I weighed in at 159 first thing in the morning - and 158 after doing some cardio work. That's a loss of 6 lbs. But even if we grant that some of it is water weight, it's still significant. My body is changing drastically.

Moral of the story; Everything counts. Especially calories.

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