Friday, January 30, 2009

Down 1/2 Lbs/Body Transformation

I'm down half a pound from last week (161.5), but my body is totally different. What I counted as "skin" on my waist line is proving to have be fat after all. My diet is fastidious and my cardio is faithful. I've upped my carbohydrates in the AM and am quite cautious in counting calories and making sure that I create a pretty serious calorie deficit everyday. I'm absolutely loving the results!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Deplezione Muscolare

Oggi non mi sento molto bene fisicamente. C'e senz' altro una deplezione di massa muscolare e una carenza di energia dovuti (almeno mi pare) al cardio e troppe poche calorie. Non mi sono ancora messo sulla bilancia. Si vedra Venerdi mattina se ho perso peso o no. Credo di dover mangiare piu carboidrati e forse piu calorie. Mantengo l'apporto calorico circa 16-1750 al giorno.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Last night I succeeded in eating temperately at a family gathering after having done three one hour workouts during the day. The secret is feeding the body plenty of protein and fibrous carbs throughout the day and filling up on the latter in the PM meals. Body is getting lean. Energy is high. This morning's breakfast was a bit more than usual given that I felt a little hungry starting at about 2:00 AM. Going to do a long cardio today.

Friday, January 23, 2009

On Course/1 lbs a Week

I woke today weighing in at 162, thus an average weight loss of about 1lbs per week. An important distinction is found in eating my carbs after my cardio and really loading up on veggies in the evening. Body is getting lean. Abs - especially in the AM - are really starting to show.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Down 1 lbs

I weighed in today at 163 lbs. Yesterday did two hard weight-training sessions (shoulders, legs). I felt a little fatigued in the afternoon owing to my not having eaten many carbs in the morning. Sleep was fitful. This morning did back workout (16 sets) and allegedly burned 823 calories on the ellyptical in 45 minutes. Egg-white vegetable omlette gave more than sufficient energy to get through both my weight training and cardio.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Fitness Goals

January 12th, 2009

Weight 164
Body fat - uncertain (around 10 or 11%)

By april 1st I'm going to be between 6-8 percent body fat. I will retain (if not improve) upon it throughout the summer. I'm arriving at my goal by systematically creating a calorie deficit by eating less calories (1500-1700) and lots of calories in highly exertive cardio sessions. My litmus test is based on how I look. If I can stand in front of the mirror and see a six pack of abs without flexing them, I've arrived at my goal. I shall arrive at my goal by doing whatever it takes, making whatever sacrifice necessary.

I also plan to meticulously count calories and to never skip a day of exercise until arrive at my goal. Each day shall consist in a calorie deficit. If I hit a plateau, I shall simply change up my program until I bust through the wall.